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Help a newbie with understanding if I can switch my colors around a diamond pattern by LaCapitaAn87 last year

Ok I hope you are feeling up to my explanation because I asked several friends here at home and got the most likely way to change colors on a pattern by using the generator...but that's not what I was thinking...I want to make a five color simple diamond pattern but would also love to know how I may make knots to alternate between the five colors..say I use red or yellow gr blue for example. I that order but also wish to mix up the order at my discretion..say I'd do blue yellow red green or on the next five diamonds. So is there someone who can give my brain a break and stop me from throwing away perfectly useful threads after I actually try on my own but severely fail... This newbie is forever in anyone's debt for the solving of my biggest obstacle yet!! Thanks in advance!

P.s. if Post is in wrong area I am so sorry

RE : Help a newbie with understanding if I can switch my colors around a diamond pattern by halokiwi last year

Are you trying to tie a normal pattern or an alpha pattern?

If you are tying an alpha pattern, you can make knots of any colour at any point, but if you are tying a normal, there are limitations on which colour a specific knot has.

If you want to tie a normal bracelet, I can recommend this pattern to you

To be honest, I had a hard time understanding what your question was and I'm not sure, if my reply is of any use.

RE : Help a newbie with understanding if I can switch my colors around a diamond pattern by kleinevos (moderator) last year

The way you can change colors is either by making a fb- or bf-knot instead of a forward or a backward knot, or by changing strings like you do in multicolored alphas.


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