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Loop for bracelet with 2 diff. central colors by delphine.bkls 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

This is my first post on this forum so apologies in advance if I am in the wrong place.
I am a beginner and have a question about making a loop closure at the beginning of the bracelet when the two center threads are a different color.

I have looked around Youtube for tutorials but all I can find is always tutos for even number of threads and same color central threads (mirrored image).
For example : Blue / Yellow / Red / White / White / Red / Yellow / Blue.

In my case, I am starting pattern 6083 with the colors of the Ukrainian flag (Blue / Yellow).
So in this case, my threads look like this : B B B B B ( B Y ) Y Y Y Y Y
The two center threads (in brackets) are blue on the left side and yellow on the right side.

In this case, how can I do my first knot to start my loop ?
I was considering cutting a blue thread in half and tie it to a yellow thread and start the first knot with that as a 'center' first knot but I am not sure it is clever for the longevity of the bracelet.

Any advice or hidden tutorial on Youtube would be of great help.
All the best to everyone and talk to you soon :)

RE : Loop for bracelet with 2 diff. central colors by halokiwi 2 years ago

I think this video explains what to do very well

RE : Loop for bracelet with 2 diff. central colors by halokiwi 2 years ago

I think I made a coding mistake, so here is the link on its own

RE : Loop for bracelet with 2 diff. central colors by delphine.bkls 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for your answer !

So in this case if I understand correctly, I need to pair up (by splitting the thread in 2 threads of 3 strands) all of my colors together ?

So in this case I will separate all of them in half, then create a two colored loop, and after the loop is created I logically should have all the blue strands on one end of the loop and all of the yellow strands on the other ?

Seems in the video as this is not for beginners so I might try it with different colors at first to understand the process right, and then only after that I will do it with yellow and blue.

Thank you again for your reply :)

RE : Loop for bracelet with 2 diff. central colors by halokiwi 2 years ago

This pattern has 6 strings per colour. This means you don't need to split the strings into 3 strands each but can keep them complete and use an easier method.

Cut three strings of each colour that are double the length you would need. Fold all the blue strings in half. Where the blue strings are folded, pull the yellow strings through and fold them that they are in half too. This way the fold of the blue strings loops around the folds of the yellow strings and both halves secure each other in place. I think that's what MashaKnots did with the black and white string in her video.

I hope that makes sense. If not, let me know what doesn't and I'll try to explain further.

I personally would always avoid splitting strings when not absolutely necessary :)


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