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Hollow/Plaid Kumihimo, how to leave and come back? by ArCee 2 years ago

so you know how with a standard kumihimo you leave 3 strands down/1 strand up and that's how you know where you left off?

well I'm looking into this https://craftdesignonline.com/kumihimo/hollow-braid/

and I cannot figure out, for the life of me, how I'd stop and come back to it.

RE : Hollow/Plaid Kumihimo, how to leave and come back? by kleinevos (moderator) 2 years ago

What you could do is put a marker on the last thread you moved. And if I’m right, for this braid you always have a group of one and a group of 3 if you haven’t done a whole round yet. So the next thread is always the middle one of the group of 3. You only need to remember if you need to go right or left.

RE : Hollow/Plaid Kumihimo, how to leave and come back? by halokiwi 2 years ago

I think you always do full rounds and you could start anywhere in the round. It's just important to alternate the clockwise and counterclockwise rounds.

Here is a tutorial https://prumihimo.com/resources/braiding-patterns/hollow-braid/

I have not tried it myself so I cannot promise that I understood it properly

RE : Hollow/Plaid Kumihimo, how to leave and come back? by ArCee 2 years ago

maybe this is too much for me right now. I start and stop A L O T and I'm not sure that kind of braid is gonna turn out right with me


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