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Can I use paracord? by Caveladyb 2 years ago

Hey yall, sorry if this is an obvious question/answer... BUT ima ask it anyway because I want to make sure before wasting materials... CAN I use paracord for patterns for friendship/ alpha bracelets?

RE : Can I use paracord? by mayagd 2 years ago

Paracord is WAY to big for a small bracelet and very tight . We have a tutorial on strings types : https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/95
I use and recommend embrodery floss or pearl coton. If you have yarn you can use it too.

RE : Can I use paracord? by Caveladyb 2 years ago

okay thats all i needed to know. I use embroidery floss for them, i also cross stitch so I have TONS lol thanks


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