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Finishing a bracelet by Harpoon5 3 years ago

I'm looking for the best way to finish a bracelet with a bead or button. It would make it easier to take the bracelet on/off.

RE : Finishing a bracelet by princess_5775 3 years ago

There is a tutorial for that here:

hope that helps :)

RE : Finishing a bracelet by princess_5775 3 years ago

there are also a good amount of other closure tutorials.

Oh! Here is one that shows you how to make a button if you dont have one on hand,,,

https://friendship-bracelets.net/tutorials/4905/](( Closures )) Things you can do with a larkshead-knot circle . . .

RE : Finishing a bracelet by princess_5775 3 years ago

opps sorry.. mess up the last link somehow



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