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Connecting a patterns beginning and end by wishie454 4 years ago

I?ve noticed some patterns do not match up. I have this pattern... https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/2119 (I?m not sure if the picture I attached showed up) where the beginning of the pattern starts with purple on the outside but the end of the pattern has blue strings on the outside. I?m wondering how I connect the two? It seems the transition wouldn?t be smooth? https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/2119

RE: Connecting a patterns beginning and end by lady_cinni 4 years ago

don't worry at the bottom of the pattern where the strings aren't the same colors at the top, just start back with the first row. That's how that pattern is supposed to turn out

RE: Connecting a patterns beginning and end by wishie454 4 years ago

Won?t there be bumps from the strings crossing over each other?

RE: Connecting a patterns beginning and end by lady_cinni 4 years ago

the strings won't cross over each other like you're thinking.. they should lay completely flat at the bottom in the colors that the bottom shows, just continue on and repeat the pattern, disregard the colors at the top of the pattern. The photos of the bracelets made with that pattern should't show any bumps or anything. I think I've made that pattern as well.

RE: Connecting a patterns beginning and end by Celicia (moderator) 4 years ago

You have to follow the arrows and ignore the colours. Some patterns only repeat the structure and not the colours as almost all do.

RE: Connecting a patterns beginning and end by EdBlair 4 years ago

In this pattern, you would have to repeat the pattern 9 times before the colors return to their starting position. This would result in a 162 row pattern.

See this turorial https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/tutorial.php?id=367 for an explanation of this with a simpler example.

RE: Connecting a patterns beginning and end by wishie454 4 years ago

Ooooh I see! thank you guys! I?m new at this haha


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