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the browse button for photo uploading is not working! by origami_peep 13 years ago

am I doing something wrong? I go to the pattern for the picture i want to upload and i click the upload photo button at the top of the page. (the one with the camera next to it). it opens up with a page that says this is the pattern you want to upload a picture for. the picture must be under 50 KB. i have already checked and my picture is but when i hit the browse button to find the picture to upload nothing happens! what should i do?

RE: the browse button for photo uploading is not working! by butterflies 13 years ago

i dont see the browse button at all!!!! i think you should do this, type [IMG]"url of the image"[IMG] then maybe someone will copy the url and see your pics! :)

RE: the browse button for photo uploading is not working! by Kassy 13 years ago

For me it says choose file, and below it "upload photo". Then I press choose file, a new window opens which lets me find my photo on my computer, and when that is done, I press "upload photo". Should work atleast.

RE: the browse button for photo uploading is not working! by origami_peep 13 years ago

Kassy: i click the chose file button and nothing opens up. normally the same thing happens for me and i find the phot on the computer but the "finder window" won't open.

RE: the browse button for photo uploading is not working! by Kassy 13 years ago

hmm.. do you have a firewall or something that stops the webbrowser to open additional windows? not sure what else i could be, just tried it on mine and it worked.


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