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Url by Pinklovekeithey 6 years ago

Im using a phone and can someone help me tell me how can i see my url in this account? What i mean to say i need the link of my account in this friendship-bracelets.net

RE: Url by kleinevos (moderator) 6 years ago

If you touch the url-bar you should be able to see the url. You can copy and paste if you do not see the whole url.

RE: Url by kleinevos (moderator) 6 years ago

You might not be able to see your account number yourself though. Your account is :

RE: Url by EdBlair 6 years ago

Here is another clever way to get the URL: The account name in the header for each forum entry is also a link to their profile page.
If you click and hold on the account name (or right-click on a PC) you should get a menu that allows you to do things like "Open the link in a different tab" or "Copy the link URL".
Select this and then open up mail (or a text editor) and paste the link URL wherever you want it.

RE: Url by Pinklovekeithey 6 years ago

Thankbyou for all the person who reply and help me!!! :-)


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