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Pet hair getting stuck in bracelets: SOS by zacsz1104 6 years ago

We have a number of pets, and try as we might, there's always fur around. When I go to make a bracelet, nine times out of ten, fur sticks to the thread. I do my best to keep it off but can never fully avoid it.

And not only does it stick to the thread, it then gets KNOTTED into the actual bracelet.

It's not the end of the world but it sure is annoying, especially trying to make darker colored bracelets with our very light-colored pets.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Right now all I can do is pick out the fur after the fact with tweezers. it's not ideal. Surely I can't be the only person here with very shed-y pets!

Thanks in advance...

RE: Pet hair getting stuck in bracelets: SOS by kleinevos (moderator) 6 years ago

I always sit on my desk while knotting and my cats are never allowed there. That helps a lot! My own hair is more likely to get knotted in though ;-)

RE: Pet hair getting stuck in bracelets: SOS by zacsz1104 6 years ago

Our pets are allowed everywhere, is part of the problem. I also have mobility issues, so I have to get set up just right with pillows and stuff. Or when I'm making bracelets with long strings (I don't like replacing when I can help it, I'd rather use long threads!) it drags on the floor. Maybe there's not much I can do about it, given my specific limitations/needs :/

RE: Pet hair getting stuck in bracelets: SOS by Allison98 6 years ago

I have a rabbit who used to have free run in the house- I find that when I get hair or fur stuck in it, I just pick it out as soon as I see it. I try not to knot the fur in, but I admit, once it's knotted in, it's hard to pick out.

RE: Pet hair getting stuck in bracelets: SOS by Allison98 6 years ago

Maybe you could wind up the long threads into a ball (if you can keep it mostly in a ball). That way it's not dragging on the ground?

RE: Pet hair getting stuck in bracelets: SOS by zacsz1104 6 years ago

Yeah, that's what I've been doing, putting the long threads into a ball, but they only stay in a ball so long, especially if I'm actually working. Trying to catch it before it gets knotted in is probably my best bet. I do have a pair of tweezers that's pretty good at getting it out after the fact, but sometimes it's just impossible.

I might want to also bone up on my thread replacement skills because I've been working on a simple bracelet with shorter threads than I normally work with and while it's got some fur stuck in the top, the rest of it is OK...

One of the biggest problems is the best chair for me to sit in with my mobility problems is a real fur magnet, and doesn't require the threads to drag on the ground to be an issue but it wasn't so bad with this current project, so I'm sure I can work something out.

Thank you!


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