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Pattern is missing lines by jessinha 7 years ago

Bracelet 3926

I just was finishing the first part. Now i m at the last row and i want to start from the top again but the colours strings dont match. Anyone has the correct pattern as i think i miss some rows or so ?

RE: Pattern is missing lines by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

Some older patterns are non-repeating like that. The knot-structure is still repeating though. Just go back to row 1 and ignore the colors.

RE: Pattern is missing lines by jessinha 7 years ago

The problem is i dont understand it when the colours are completely different :( too bad. It took me like 2 hours for sure to make this.

RE: Pattern is missing lines by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

You can try to print it out and re-color the pattern. Or use Paint for example. In this case I'll recolor it for you and post the image here :-)

RE: Pattern is missing lines by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago


Repeat in matching color-order:

RE: Pattern is missing lines by jessinha 7 years ago

Cool thanks. I am going to try if i can finish it like this.
BTW how did you do this ? You have to set every arrow and string to create or is it possible to copy the patterns and change the colours in 1 go ? Just wondering. Thanks a lot =D

RE: Pattern is missing lines by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

Have a look at this tutorial .

Pattern goes down to #11,length issues? by Shea5 last year

If I go all the way down 11 lines,my braclet isn't going to be long enough,so do I go back and start with the first line?and if so wouldn't #1 and #11 have to have the same color combo please help

RE : Pattern is missing lines by halokiwi last year

Normal patterns always have an even amount of rows. Make sure you knot until the very last row before going to the first row.

Like explained above in older patterns, the strings are sometimes in a different order, but if you repeat the pattern from the top, it will still work out. Just the colours are different, the knots are all the same. Eventually the strings will be in the original order again.

If it is confusing to you, that the strings are in a different order, click "edit colors in the generator" to change the colours to the current string order. To save this to your device you need to take a screenshot of the edited pattern.


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