
was donated
RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by greengrl26 7 years ago

Thanks for letting me know kleinevos! That def makes it easier to play the game. So that we don't have to check out every single color palette that was used already lol

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Arismende 7 years ago

I finished my last one (no. 48, suggested by muskieswimmer25 - pic follows tomorrow ;)

The next pattern (no. 52) is: #69861


RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by makotocrafts 7 years ago

I'll try that one!

Next pattern: #22036

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Sammoning (moderator) 7 years ago

I'll take that one, a nice little pattern :)

Next one is #9766

with colourscheme

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by greengrl26 7 years ago

Oh my goodness! Mods I just realized that the last 2 color palettes I picked I used the same pattern number for them both... So what should I do about that? I feel so silly for making that mistake! Lol

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

We noticed that (see earlier comments). For now we kept the pattern you chose but we will delete suggestions for patterns that were chosen before, and for patterns that already have pictures, from now on :-)

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Arismende 7 years ago

Hehe, you seem to love the pattern though, Ashley ;) - I just uploaded no. 51 suggested by lostflight2 and get to really like the very old basic patterns, so I'll continue with that one, Samm!

Next up (no. 55) is: #71640


RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by dianis 7 years ago

I want to participate in the game. Tome is suggested by Arismende.

Next pattern # 4168


Color Palette is:

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by dianis 7 years ago

RE: The Chain Knotting Game! by Stefanie7 7 years ago

What great colours. I want to do this one.

next pattern: #4726



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