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Problems with uploading images... by Marekitty 7 years ago

Ok, so it's been awhile since I've been actually uploading images (I've done a lot of bracelets that I'd like to post). But just this past week I wanted to upload, and haven't had problems in the past.
I keep getting this error (not a jpg file) even though I've tried jpg and then it said (not a jpeg file). Converted it back to jpeg and then it loops the errors. I don't own a computer and always uploaded from my iPad without problems.
Can someone please help with this problem? I'm very confused...

RE: Problems with uploading images... by AB_cullen 7 years ago

You could try converting to png file

RE: Problems with uploading images... by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

Upgrade to the newest IOS , the 9 gives these problems because every image saved to the camera-roll will convert back, even if you've used converting-apps.

The other solution is this: Save the resized picture to Dropbox and post the picture directly from there.

You'll need to resize to somewhere around 35-38 kb to be able to upload btw. I don't know why, but if you resize to bigger than that, but still under 50 kb, it keeps stating that it's too big ....


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