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Do i need permission? by Ahn 7 years ago

Hello! So this may sound like a silly question, but if I want to sell a bracelet I made with a pattern I found on here, do I need the creator's permission?

RE: Do i need permission? by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

No, you can sell the bracelets you made. That's no problem:-) The only thing you can't sell is the pattern itself.

RE: Do i need permission? by elizabeth_s 7 years ago

I would say: it's only polite to ask the creator first though.

Even if they haven't purchased a legal copyright, the pattern is still their intellectual property.

I don't think anyone round here would mind people selling bracelets, but it can never hurt to ask or inform them. :)

RE: Do i need permission? by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

That would be a lot of work for all of the people that sell bracelets, and for all of the pattern-makers! Everyone who's submitting patterns here knows that they are free for everyone to use.

RE: Do i need permission? by elizabeth_s 7 years ago

The main point I made is : it's only polite to ask ;)


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