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Safety pin by archersilva 8 years ago

So I want to try using a safety pin to hold my strings, but the only tutorial that shows how to do it uses all the same colours with larks head knots, and so I can't figure out how how you would tie them on if the colours are alternating at the beginning of the bracelet, since with larks head knots two strings of the same colour will end up beside each other. Can anyone explain, please and thank you?

RE: Safety pin by EdBlair 8 years ago

Which pattern are you planning on making? There are several solutions depending on how the colors are laid out.
The first note is that you can adjust your starting row, and the knots in the first row. For example, if the pattern calls for a fbk knot with red on the left and white on the right, but your string are laid out with red on the right instead: substitute a backward knot. The result is a red knot with the strings in the right order for the next row.

RE: Safety pin by kleinevos (moderator) 8 years ago

You can also attach all your strings in the right order with half hitches, just half of a larkshead knot, and knot the string ends two by two together to secure them, close to the pin.

RE: Safety pin by archersilva 8 years ago

Thank you both, that helps a lot.

RE: Safety pin by Cheveyo 8 years ago


I'm new at this. For securing the bracelet while knotting, is it best to use a bulletin board or a macrame board?


RE: Safety pin by kleinevos (moderator) 8 years ago

It's a personal preference. A clipboard is fine, or you can use a safety pin attached to your trousers, or you can tape the strings to a desk. Just what works for you.
A macrameboard can do the job too, but not many people use it around here, as far as I know. It's not necessary, you just need something to attach your strings to, it doesn't matter what and how.


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