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Could someone please help with this pattern? ) by ianquiksilver 9 years ago

Hi ! I'm a big fan of making bracelets but I've only recently started doing the more "complex" designs. I've spotted one I would reaaaally love to be able to make --> http://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/736x/81/06/c7/8106c76e257d4213d58a1859610d4eb6.jpg
could someone please show me how?
thanks so much!! :D

RE: Could someone please help with this pattern? ) by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

This is pattern #38170

You can find a lot about knotting in this tutorial for beginners and the tutorial on how to read patterns

RE: Could someone please help with this pattern? ) by ianquiksilver 9 years ago

thanks so much ! =)


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