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Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet Help by brightflower 10 years ago

Hi... I am starting to make a beaded kumihimo bracelet but I am facing some very annoying problems... If I could recieve some advice that would be great ....
I am at the first stage of putting the beads onto the thread.. I am not using hemp cord but embroidery thread and the thread end keeps splitting... I have thought of using a needle but the smallest needle I have wont even go through the beads ... the eye of the needle gets stuck... I have beaded 53 beads on one string and I have the rest to do ....
Any ideas ... or advice would be appreciated.... Thankyou

How about putting a bit of PVA glue at the end of the thread and shaping it so that it will go through the beads easily.... Ive never tried it and I dont knoe what will happen to the thread or if it will create more of a problem...

RE: Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet Help by kleinevos (moderator) 10 years ago

I think I would try the glue too. Or buy a thin needle. :-)

RE: Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet Help by brightflower 10 years ago

Okay .. Thnkyou :)

RE: Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet Help by DragonsFly 10 years ago

Hopefully you got this working but if not I would look for a Big Eye Needle. It is a very thin flexible needle and the eye is collapsible. You can usually find them in the jewelry section of the craft store.


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