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I need help with designing patterns? by socunpanda 10 years ago

I've tried many times to use the generator, but it always ends up like a total chaos for me. I don't understand anything. I've tried drawing patterns before using the generator but it's the same. And then I see all the beautiful patterns people post here. How do you make them? Is there any trick I don't know? I'm really confused.

RE: I need help with designing patterns? by LittleWolf 10 years ago

The patterns I have uploaded were mostly designed while knotting - Only after I finished it I input it in the generator. I kinda just 'freestyle knot' sometimes.

RE: I need help with designing patterns? by socunpanda 10 years ago

I'm gonna try then...

RE: I need help with designing patterns? by Sammoning (moderator) 10 years ago

If the colors in the beginning are ABCD DCBA, then it also has to end with the same order of the colors at the bottom. This is pretty much the most important thing.

If it's not that way yet, you can add or remove rows anytime or try to add some bent arows

RE: I need help with designing patterns? by LittleWolf 10 years ago

It doesn't really have to end with the same colors. My favorite patterns are the ones that don't end with the same colors, resulting in the same block of pattern but in different colors. An example of this is https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=2367

RE: I need help with designing patterns? by LittleWolf 10 years ago

Oh I should add, if you want to store it in the generator, they do have to end on the same colors. So if you make one of those 'shifting' patterns I described, you have to add the same pattern a couple of times until it 'shifts back' again.

RE: I need help with designing patterns? by Sammoning (moderator) 10 years ago

Yeah I assumed she wants to save them in the generator, toherwise you would not get error messages...


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