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how to make a normal pattern work by MooMooMeg 10 years ago

how do I make a normal pattern that I created work

RE: how to make a normal pattern work by Sammoning (moderator) 10 years ago

The string colors at the beginning should match with those on the bottom, so ABCCBA on top has to be the same order at the bottom.
You then press the save button, looks like a floppy disk.
Then wait for a mod to judge and accpet or reject it, wich usually takes a few days.

RE: how to make a normal pattern work by B3auty_Panda 10 years ago

i've made a few patterns that have been ending the with exact same strings from beginning to end of pattern, but they keep getting rejected and I know they aren't on other websites. I'm having a hard time creating patterns that are accepted, plus they aren't exactly simple quick patterns.

RE: how to make a normal pattern work by Sammoning (moderator) 10 years ago

Took me a while to get some patterns accepted but yeah it's hard to find a nice style, something new. What does it look like (why you think its not a simple pattern) or how many strings.

RE: how to make a normal pattern work by B3auty_Panda 10 years ago

One of the ones I recently did was with 5 different colors and an alpha pattern...it was made short for a reason because it wasn't supposed to be elaborate, but even two colors for a beginner is hard to perform. 5 isn't exactly simple...it's still not easy for me, but I figured out how to accomplish it. The first one to get rejected I made a few months ago...it was a normal pattern with 3 colors, 24 strings and 18 rows. it's this one here https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/70202. Maybe it's too similar to another pattern, idk. The patterns and colors match up so I honestly don't see why it's not accepted.

RE: how to make a normal pattern work by B3auty_Panda 10 years ago

This is the one that just got rejected as well. https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/a56357 (it has 4 colors...my apologies)

RE: how to make a normal pattern work by Sammoning (moderator) 10 years ago

I'm sorry but because theyre rejected, others can't see the patterns via those links.

So I cant really judge them but they apparently are not much refreshing, even though they might look less basic.
Ofcourse nothing stops you from making them yourself :) If alot of people like the photo you upload of it, then the pattern sometimes gets accepted.


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