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My Tutorial - Adding Pictures by TrudyBerry723 11 years ago

I created a tutorial and I want to add pictures. BBCode says in order to insert a picture your picture has to have a URL. I just have some pictures that I took with my own camera. How do I get them to have a URL? I'm confused...

RE: My Tutorial - Adding Pictures by Kestrel 11 years ago

Do you have an account somewhere like Photobucket?

RE: My Tutorial - Adding Pictures by TrudyBerry723 11 years ago

No I don't.

RE: My Tutorial - Adding Pictures by TrudyBerry723 11 years ago

Can I just make a little Weebly website page, putting my pictures on there, and use URLs from that site? Or would that not work?

RE: My Tutorial - Adding Pictures by Kestrel 11 years ago

That depends. If Weebly gives you a separate URL for every picture, and allows hotlinking (because that's what you'll be doing with your pictures) then yes, it should work.

I'd find out for certain if it allows hotlinking beforehand, though. That's the important part.

RE: My Tutorial - Adding Pictures by TrudyBerry723 11 years ago

I worked it all out without weebly or anything that complicated; no problem. Tutorial will be done soon. Thanks


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