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Focus! by SilveryGold 11 years ago

I have been trouble focusing on the bracelet that I am working on.I really want to finish it, but when i start to work on it, my mind goes somewhere else and I stop working. Any tips?

RE: Focus! by wildcattz98 11 years ago

I don't know. I have the same problem

RE: Focus! by BulletBracelets 11 years ago

I have the same problem, considering I have school and pets to take care of. So what i do is set myself a strict limit. I say "Okay now Im going to do this many lines of the pattern today." and I can actually get it done. If you need reminding on that set limit, put it on your hand! Write it with a sharpie and DO IT! This is what helped me and I hope it will help you!

RE: Focus! by usr58785 11 years ago

The best way to concentrate on something is to clear your mind off of everything else. As in, work on your bracelet's during the weekends or whenever you have breaks in between.
Just the thought of school work, homeworks,assignment's etc will make you both physically and mentally tired to work on a bracelet.
Ive had those days sometimes especially whenever i don't get a bracelet right. UGHH >.< THAT ANNOYS THE HELL OUTTA ME.

But whenever you have free time on your hand's, plug in your headphones,put in your favourite songs and work on it. Or either watch television and work on your bracelet's :D
That's what i do ^.^
Hope it helps :)
Happy Knotting !

RE: Focus! by Foz 11 years ago

I've got the exact opposite problem! whenever I start knotting, I can go on for hours at a time, while dustbunnies take over control of my flat :-P

RE: Focus! by SilveryGold 11 years ago

Thanks for the tips! i think i will focus more!

RE: Focus! by kenna_14 11 years ago

I'll have to try that, BulletBraclets. I never stick to my goals but perhaps if I write it on my hand... Thanks!

RE: Focus! by BulletBracelets 11 years ago

Im glad I could help in some way!


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