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How to prevent Hemp from twisting. by SawyerLove 11 years ago

Every time I try to use hemp it ends up twisting. My knots are consistent so what am I doing wrong? Any tips on what I can do?

RE: How to prevent Hemp from twisting. by RockePloeger 11 years ago

What are you trying to do with the hemp (what type of bracelet)?

RE: How to prevent Hemp from twisting. by SawyerLove 11 years ago

Just a normal flat bracelet with a couple beads on it

RE: How to prevent Hemp from twisting. by RockePloeger 11 years ago

Your knots are probably all going the same way which is why your hemp is twisting.


Is that the type you are trying to do? If you are, make sure that your knots are alternating. It keeps it from twisting.

RE: How to prevent Hemp from twisting. by SawyerLove 11 years ago

That was the problem. The tutorial I watched did not alternate knots :| haha thank you for your help! :)


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