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Wave (Peruvian) Bracelet Using Nylon Thread by Unbelieber 11 years ago

I was finally able to get my hands on some nylon thread to make wave bracelets. I only intended to buy the thicker nylon for my base strings but then I saw they had a ton of smaller sized thread and realized this is the stuff I've seen in photos where it doesn't look like they used embroidery floss so I grabbed a few of those as well.

My question is, how would I end the bracelet using the nylon? When using embroidery floss, since i don't like the look of just knotting all the strings together, I cut my strings very close to my base strings and then put fabric glue on the ends so they don't fray. If doing this with the nylon, would I still be able to slightly melt the ends without ruining part of the bracelet?

If you use nylon thread when making this bracelet, your tips would be appreciated. Thanks. :)

RE: Wave (Peruvian) Bracelet Using Nylon Thread by Carrie 11 years ago

Yes, you should be able to burn the ends to melt them. I have a bracelet someone made for me that uses that exact technique.

RE: Wave (Peruvian) Bracelet Using Nylon Thread by Unbelieber 11 years ago

Yeah, I decided to try it a couple days after I posted this. Thanks for answering though. :)


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