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Color Preview Function by TweedleDee 11 years ago

I think it would be very nice if there were a way to preview colors on a bracelet electronically. One way to do this would be to have an option of opening the generator (that's been slighty modified to avoid double patterns. Maybe a print button instead of a save button) with the option of changing the colors. This would make it a lot easier to visualize what your bracelet will look like before cutting (and knotting!) the actual strings, especially for larger bracelets.

RE: Color Preview Function by Rachel_D 11 years ago

I totally agree! So like if a bracelet is blue, green and yellow, but you want it like pink, orange, and white, you can open the pattern and change the colors for when you print it.

RE: Color Preview Function by Tuketi 11 years ago

I agree... I think this has been posted before, but it hasn't been added yet, and I still think it would be possibly the most helpful thing to add to the site in general.


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