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String Length Formula? by madisunnyd 14 years ago

Is there maybe some sort of formula to figure out how long strings need to be for a bracelet pattern?
I know the learning page says 75 cm, but that's only for four strings. Obviously they would need to be longer if there were 20 strings than if there were only 4, right?

RE: String Length Formula? by Rissa 14 years ago

The number of strings is not important. It doesn't matter if you make a stripe bracelet with 4 strings or one with 100 as you make the same number of knots with one string.

What is important is the number of rows you are going to knot and also if one string is used more often than another one.

For a candystripe bracelet with 13cm length 75 cm might be enough, and you can make all strings the same length. But for a celtic bracelet you normaly use a number of strings for nearly every row while some strings are mostly used for the background.

I always cut those strings that are used not that often into 1m pieces, those that are used all the time I make longer, 1,20m or so.

RE: String Length Formula? by undrground 14 years ago

1 knot = 1 millimetre

RE: String Length Formula? by num 14 years ago

so basically you have to guesstamate depending on the pattern.

RE: String Length Formula? by Rissa 14 years ago

Yes. There's a formula somewhere, but it's very special and you need ton know before how many knots you need to make exactly with one string. I think it takes a lot more time to calculate everything than adding a piec of string if it should be too short.

There's one example I can give you: Right now I'm knotting pattern # 3877. I've cut the black strings ca 120cm long as they are used most of the time. The yellow ones are ca 1m. With each green string you only make 4 knots in 24 rows, with the red string it's only two knots in 24 rows. So 50cm should be enough for both. I could tell you once I'm finished.

For a pattern like 3958 where the red, orange and black middle thread are zic-zaccing through the whole bracelet these strings need to be around the same length, each one more than a meter, I'd suggest 1,20m.

4018 is basically three candystripe patterns put side by side, for this pattern all strings can be the same lengt, maybe 80cm.

I think I forgot to say that it also depends on the kind of string you're using, the thinner the yarn the longer it must be. The information I gave you is meant for embroidery floss or perl cotton 5.

RE: String Length Formula? by Griev 14 years ago

thanks, for the formulas, I think I made my thread's too long

RE: String Length Formula? by dubblebubble 13 years ago

uhhhh ur special formula is kinda hard to comprehend.... i think i know how long i should cut the strings, but what would you say for pattern #1808? thanks you SO MUCH idk i havent cut string in a while and this is for by bff so i wana make sure its good!! thanks again =)

RE: String Length Formula? by Rissa 13 years ago

For pattern #1808 I'd also cut all strings about 75cm long. I haven't checked the exact number of knots you'd need to use with each strings. But if after about 1/3 of the bracelet you notice that one string is way shorter than another one of the same color you can switch them. If the shorter string should be used to make a "straight" knot (fk or bk) over the long one make a "turning knot" (bk/fk or fk/bk) instead. For the pattern it's irrelevant which of the strings of the same color you use.

This way you can keep all the strings at about the same length. It might require some fiddling around though. So keep an eye on the length, just don't panic if one gets too short and just switch instead.

RE: String Length Formula? by Carrie 13 years ago

I actually keep records on the exact amount of string for each bracelet. To make it a different size, I use proportions. If anyone wants to know specific patterns, just ask. I might start posting them on the patterns themselves, just to make it easier :)

RE: String Length Formula? by Rissa 13 years ago

This sounds good! But if you do so please also add which material you use and how long the finished bracelet is, otherwise it would not help much.


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