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Why does my bracelet look so "stretched" out? by Olivia10 12 years ago

I have started doing alpha pattern #A25540 (pink w/ white flowers), and it looks as if my pattern has been stretched out. What makes it do this? The material I'm using, my knots...? As I have been experimenting more with alphas, it always appears that the patterns I try to replicate are very stretched out.

RE: Why does my bracelet look so by LittleMissMetal 12 years ago

Maybe your knots are too loose. That happened to my sister for a bit because she wasnt tying her knots tight enough

RE: Why does my bracelet look so by AutumnRane 12 years ago

Without knowing what materials you are using and not seeing a picture it is hard to tell, but here are some thoughts from my own experience:

The tension which you put on your string, like how tight you tie the knot and which direction you hold the strings, can have probably the biggest effect on how your bracelet comes out.

try using a clipboard with a flat clip to start your bracelet and keep your rows even, after that, just try to keep the same pressure and tension on your string the whole time. For most people it takes practice, so just keep on trying.
(I made a bunch of very simple 6 string alphas just to get my tension practice. )

RE: Why does my bracelet look so by TweedleDee 12 years ago

What happens with alphas is that the row of backwards knots is about one and a half times wider than the forwards knots, and the pattern appears stretched. It's a nuisance! I have that problem, too--you can imagine how devastating it is to get a ways on the world map pattern only to realise it's "squashed!" I am not sure how to fix this, either, especially as when I try to tie tighter knots the string will often break. Good luck!

RE: Why does my bracelet look so by Olivia10 12 years ago

Thanks guys! I believe the main problem I am having does stem from my backward knots. I try so hard to get them to stay taut against the previous line, but they always tend to slip down a little but, leaving space for excess string to bunch in there.

RE: Why does my bracelet look so by giguana0412 12 years ago

Also most knots that people make are not perfectly square, like the grid pattern. So it isn't you. I have noticed the same thing but I just deal with it and nobody that I make bracelets for have ever said anything about it. Hope this helps.

RE: Why does my bracelet look so by j2e0s0s5 11 years ago

my knots are doing the samething, it is my forward backward knots, i cant get them close enough to the previous knot? it looks stretched out,


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