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helppp? by kitymeowmeow8 13 years ago

could someone make a pattern with the criss angel logo on ittt? either regular or alpha would be fineeee.

heres a link to the picture:

RE: helppp? by Roseit 12 years ago

I have made it and it's pending (an alpha). It's around 17 by 17 strings i think.

RE: helppp? by Roseit 12 years ago

Hey, It has published! It is Alpha pattern A32729. Hope this helps.

RE: helppp? by kitymeowmeow8 12 years ago

yeaaaahah thats greattt. Thanksss (:

RE: helppp? by Roseit 12 years ago

sorry, I didn't see your comment. Your welcome, it was really fun to make! (but I see you have made one, too)

RE: helppp? by kitymeowmeow8 12 years ago

yeahhh i got boredd (:

RE: helppp? by mary7431 8 years ago

Its possible to have this model but it normal pattern please ?


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