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generator bug by SeaShel 13 years ago

I can't get to the generator 2. I click on Generate, Normal Patterns, then the link for the Generator 2 and it takes me to a link for Tutorials. Is anyone else having this issue? The funny thing is I was on the Generator 2 earlier today. My second issue is probably for a different forum so I'll post it there too but I can't figure out how to use the either of the Generators! I get the concept of changing colors, rows, and such but how do you know what kind of knot to use to get the pattern/picture you want? I want to make a normal pattern of a pink bird but I don't understand how you figure out what starting order the colors should be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm soooooo frustrated.

RE: generator bug by SeaShel 13 years ago

OK, something must have worked itself out because now I can get to it. Weird. But I still don't know how to make what I want to make with the generator...

RE: generator bug by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

A suggestion from me is to read the "designing a bracelet pattern" tutorial. It covers the way from pattern idea to the generator.


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