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Problems, tips, bugs

thread name replies author views last post
My pattern was accepted by the moderators, but it didn't show up. Why?
0 Rachel_D 2059 13 years ago
by Rachel_D
suggestion for the normal pattern generator
I was wondering whether it wouldn't be possible to add the letters to the individual threads at the
2 Foz 2722 13 years ago
by Foz
alpha pattern
can someone create a pattern that looks like the LIVESTRONG bracelets!
1 Kayleroni 1991 13 years ago
by moasrock1
Pattern Not Showing Up
How long does it take for a pattern to show up on the site? I did one this afternoon and it still s
0 LoriH 1991 13 years ago
by LoriH
The arrows
When i generate a pattern then why doesnt it come up with arrows so I can make it
0 uglymartini13 2222 13 years ago
by uglymartini13
How long does it take to upload?
Love the new generator! Made making patterns much easier! But how long does it take to upload? It
2 Whyknots 2097 13 years ago
by Whyknots
is there a grey?
Hi, does the selection of colours used in generator 3 have grays in it? Can't seem to find any.
1 amber29 2042 13 years ago
by craftaddict
whats wrong?
1 Lentilak 2334 13 years ago
by iajc20
patterns pending
when I saved my pattern they said it would be on the patterns pending page I just don't know what th
1 pie123 2352 13 years ago
by Carrie
Fill mode?
I've been using the new alpha generater for bracelet requests from school, and most of them take a l
2 strings412 2050 13 years ago
by strings412

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