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(( Patterns )) How to tie #33899

There has been a request for a tutorial of 33899. It is super easy and upload photos if you ever make it. Start off with 4 strings. 2 yellow strings, 1 dark blue and 1 light blue. Set your strings up in pairs. Here is the order

Yellow, Dark Blue, Light blue, Yellow

1. Take the first pair and make a foward backward knot. Then take the second pair and do a backward foward knot.

2. Take the two yellows and throw them out of the way. Make a foward backward knot with the dark blue.

3. Put the yellows back in place and do two backward foward knots - 1 with the dark blue and one with the yellow.

4. Repeat step #2

5. Repeat step 1 - 4 so that the light blues have made a heart. If you have done all of these steps correctly, the strings will be set up the way you first set them up. Keep making the bracelet until it fits on your wrist. Good luck and please upload photos!


The original author of this tutorial is superc but it was also edited by Stefan, Jeckle, Foz and k_marie.

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