
was donated

(( Bracelets )) Bazinga Bracelet

Table of contents
1 - Introduction
2 -
3 -
Step by Step
   3.0 -
Step 1
   3.1 -
Step 2
   3.2 -
Step 3
   3.3 -
Step 4
   3.4 -
Step 5
   3.5 -
Step 6
   3.6 -
Step 7
   3.7 -
Step 8
   3.8 -
Step 9
   3.9 -
Step 10
   3.10 -
Step 11
   3.11 -
Step 12
   3.12 -
Step 13
3 -


Written Tutorial

By GreenBandage

I'm going to do a written tutorial on the Bazinga Bracelet, an original bracelet by iheartmrbump. Sorry there are no pics!


12 strings, 1 of each colour cut at about 60 inches(150cm) and folded in half. So there are 6 colours. This works best with rainbow colours or gradients.
It would be good to write down the colours as this bracelets pattern is a little tricky.

Step by Step

Step 1

Set the strings like this: Gn Gy B Gn Gy
Now, do a FK candy stripe with the black across all the strings.

Step 2

Now with the green, do 4 FK and a FBK.

Step 3

With the purple, do 2 FK and a FBK.

Step 4

With the navy, do a FBK.

Step 5

Now we're going to close the shapes up. With the purple, do 2 BK.

Step 6

With the green, do 4 BK

Step 7

Now with the black, your outer string on the right, we're gonna do a BK candy stripe over all the strings until you get back to the left side of your bracelet

Step 8

Now we do the other side of the bracelet. With the grey on the right, you do 4 BK and a BFK

Step 9

So I think you get it, it is the same sorta thing as the other side except the knots are opposite, but I'm just gonna finish off just in case you don't get it. With the aqua, do 2 BK and a BFK

Step 10

With the navy, do a BFK.

Step 11

Now we close the shape. Again. With the aqua do 2 FK

Step 12

With the grey do 4 FK

Step 13

And now we do another candy stripe with the black on the left to finish this section off.

And we're done! Yay!



The original author of this tutorial is iheartmrbump but it was also edited by Kestrel, Foz, GreenBandage, Alicat and kleinevos.

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