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Membership date

  • 7/30/10


Hi! Welcome to my profile! I like string, science, books, sending letters via snail mail to old friends and pen pals... did I mention string? *checking back* oh. Yes I have. Well, I'm too lazy to change that now. I'm part of the "Anti- Bieber Society" and the "Procrastinators Unite!...tomorrow!" clubs. :) I hate rap music, Hannah Montana, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber (obviously), Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, and especially Uggs. Did I mention Juicy Couture? Oh, no. Well, that too. All of these are mind-controlling things of the world that are very easy to fall into. Similar to viruses. However, I love The Beatles, Sting, The Doors, Brahms, and Falco. Mostly Eleanor Rigby, Message in a Bottle, Hungarian Dance, and Rock Me Amadeus. :) I play piano now, and played violin for a year. As a science fanatic, I want to be a genealogist and come up with a way to reverse bad traits in a human being that is currently in embryonic stage (such as blindness) and turn it into something of a good trait (such as homozygous being with sight). I have yet to come up with results. I realize I might be boring you past the point of death. Sorry about that. :) I still love the summer though. More so than school. Museums, Turkey, and Science Exhibitions consume my summer, though. YES! I DO HAVE FRIENDS! :D This year is my string year. Last year was my paper year. What do I mean by that? It's easier to understand than you might think. Last year I did stuff like origami. This year is more into weaving, sewing, knitting, crocheting, macrame, loom, and the sort. I still have to cover loom, macrame, and crochet. Next year is ceramics and pottery, my glass/clay year. :) :) I know. I talk too much. I actually begged my mother to get me a scientific theories book today. For only $10! No go. If there are people on this site like me, please email me at ----. I'm not a stalker, or those weird old men! But if YOU are, don't even THINK about emailing me! I'm cautious about these things, and if you're a stalker or old man, I'll have the cops on you before you can say "Deoxyribonucleic Acid forms with Transfer Ribonucleic Acid's help." I'm turning teen on ----. Thanks for reading my profile! You must be pretty bored, but really nice! I just want to hug people like you!