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Membership date

  • 8/4/10


Hello! Here's some basic info about myself!

Name: Kyleigh Johnson

Age: 16

Birthday: October 6th

Hobbies: firendship bracelets, drawing, singing, reading, watching movies, walks, bike rides, painting... etc.

Likes: Honesty, real friends, art, movies, shameless fangirling....

Dislikes: Liars, drama queens/attention hounds/etc., saggy pants, fake friends/people, fighting...

.:Favorite Things:.

Movie: Hmmm... too many! I could never decide. Here are some off the top of my list - Pride and Prejudice, Iron Man, Tangled, The Bourne Trilogy, and several more that I won't bother naming. :)

TV Show: Sherlock. And Sherlock. Did I say Sherlock? Oh and Sherlock.

Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Sherlock Holmes, or anything by Christopher Moore. (My favorite of his is "A Dirty Job")

Video Game: Assassin's Creed (All three!)

Color: Turquoise/Pink/Slate Blue

Art Program: Adobe Photoshop CS4