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cool letters by artjunkie 15 years ago

hey , i would really appreciate it if anyone can tell me how to make a bracelet like this http://friendshipbracelets.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/dscn2182.jpg its making me nuts not knowing how to do that.

RE: cool letters by usr1036 15 years ago


i don't know if u see this , it is very useful to you



RE: cool letters by artjunkie 15 years ago

hey, thanks. i guess im asking the wrong question. what i mean it how to create nice letters like from word perfect. also in the link it looks like she is using different knots.

RE: cool letters by Stefan (moderator) 15 years ago

coolcat is right. My step-by-step instruction in
is the method you are looking for. I think the bracelets in your link are made with some special yarn or something. They also include more different colours, not just two as in my instruction.

In my instruction, I have 9 threads, 1 for background and 8 others for the letter colour. If you substitute some of "the others" to a different colour, you will get a result with multicoloured letters.

In two of the bracelets, the background colour differs with the length of the bracelet. I think this is done by splicing the background colour onto a new one, now and then. There is also a possibility that the background thread colour isn't produced to be uniform.

Hope this helps :)


RE: cool letters by artjunkie 15 years ago

thanks coolcat and Stefan.

RE: cool letters by cveti2c2 15 years ago

I think this two braclets are made with special differentcolor thread for background.
P.S. --> Excuse me for the english

RE: cool letters by Cathelijn 15 years ago

Yea, cveti2c2 is right. The second and the sixth one are made with variegated thread for the background.

For the other bracelets they used different colors for the letters.

RE: cool letters by kenz 15 years ago


you could try some of these :)

RE: cool letters by artjunkie 15 years ago

hey thank u sooooooooooooooooo much kenz i see the letters on that website i want. thanks for all u guys help!!!!!!!!!


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