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can someone make this design for me??? by wcagurl24 13 years ago

hey hello!
ummm i dont really get how to use the generator...like..AT ALL! ive tried.i can make stuff it just isnt cool...hehe:P
so i was wondering if anyone could make a pattern that had anything to do with GREEN DAY...the band...haha

like anything really would be cool...alpha patterns, or...i doubt this is possible, but if u want a real challenge...could you try making a heart hand grenade?

thank you to anyone who helps me out on this!

Love you all! <3

RE: can someone make this design for me??? by Brutal 13 years ago


Check that out, foo'. :D

RE: can someone make this design for me??? by the_ev 13 years ago

https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/alpha_pattern.php?id=2760 there's that one.


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