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pattern for dead by daylight logo? by PoetOfTheFall 10 months ago

hi, i'm new to this site and unfortunately untalented to create a pattern myself and i'm wondering if there is already a template for the logo of the game dead by daylight? (or is there someone who can create a pattern?)

I am grateful for any help! thx

RE : pattern for dead by daylight logo? by mayagd 10 months ago

I made a quick search via the search button and there is none. As I am untalented too, I can't help you with that one (I made a quick search for the logo, a bit to complicated for me). If you can do alpha patterns, the patterns are much easier to desing that way, if it can help :)

RE : pattern for dead by daylight logo? by halokiwi 10 months ago

Are you looking for a normal or alpha pattern?


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