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RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by halokiwi last year

I believe that you have to post the photo on here or have a link to it. Then you put after.

This challenge is already from 2020.

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by halokiwi last year

First you put

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by halokiwi last year

Ugh, I can't show it. To learn how to use code in the forum, check out "more info" next to "supported bbcode"

RE : COLOR Challenge - Oct/Nov 2020 by kleinevos (moderator) last year

You can post a picture to the pattern it belongs to. After the picture is accepted you can right click on the picture to copy the link. Then you put that in the bbcode, the one that says image. See below, as halokiwi said above.
It doesn’t matter that this is an old challenge btw. You can add a picture whenever you like!
(But please use English on our website.)


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