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Is there a way to favourite kumihimo patterns? by NicoliaMalin 4 years ago

Apologies if this is the wrong topic to place this but I can't seem to figure out how to favourite kumihimo patterns.
In my personal profile it seems like I can only choose between favourited alpha and normal patterns, does this mean I can't favourite (not like) a kumihimo pattern?
Thanks in advance!

RE : Is there a way to favourite kumihimo patterns? by kleinevos (moderator) 4 years ago

Yes, that’s right. Unfortunately you can’t favorite kumihimo patterns.

RE : Is there a way to favourite kumihimo patterns? by NicoliaMalin 4 years ago

Ahh thanks a lot! Is there perhaps a place where I can request such functions in this site? Or by donating/becoming a member perhaps?

RE : Is there a way to favourite kumihimo patterns? by kleinevos (moderator) 4 years ago

I can forward it to our webmaster. It is requested before though, so it might already be on his todo-list. :-)

RE : Is there a way to favourite kumihimo patterns? by princess_5775 3 years ago

I would love if this where avalible. I can not tell you how many times i lost track of a kumi pattern..lol


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