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can you change the color of strings on digital patterns? by paige_2136 4 years ago

Hi everyone. I was wondering if there's a way to change the color of the pattern on this website. I always mess up when the colors don't specifically match my strings, so I usually just find a pattern that I like the design and colors of. If anyone has any advice or knows if this is a thing I would really appreciate the help. Thank you so much for reading. -paige

RE: can you change the color of strings on digital patterns? by kleinevos (moderator) 4 years ago

Have a look here
You can make a screenshot of the pattern to save it for your own use.

RE : can you change the color of strings on digital patterns? by Hannah11 3 years ago

When you are on the pattern, underneath the the pattern number it should say edit colors in generator. If you click on that it will bring you to a page where you can change the colors of the bracelet. Then you can take a screenshot of it.


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