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RE: Harder patterns by kleinevos (moderator) 7 years ago

I'm not quite sure what you mean, all knots have the same shape on the frontside of the bracelet.
You can put a link to a picture here if you like. With the BBCode we can all see the image here right away :-) But it's also ok to upload a picture of an unfinished project to the pattern or to a general tutorial, if that's easier for you.

RE: Harder patterns by LauraDeLaVerga 6 years ago

I've been making bracelets from patterns on this site for a super long time now. It used to drive me crazy having to print the patterns and remember my own color combinations so I started writing them out. For example if I'm using red, white, and blue, my written pattern will look like this:

R-fb W-f B-b R-fb
? W-b B-fb B-b

It really helps me keep track of what color string should be doing what. It's easier for me to follow the pattern instead of losing myself in the image of the pattern. Idk if this makes sense but HOPEFULLY


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