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Gaps in backwards knots? by saiyyan 14 years ago

Hi all. I'm very new to making these bracelets and I'm having a bit of trouble with my backwards knots in patterns. My forward knots and back/forwards knots look fine, but whenever I do the other two, I end up with gaps in my bracelets.

I've tried tying them tight and loose and don't really know what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it.
Anyone offer some advice? :]

RE: Gaps in backwards knots? by GypsyAngel 14 years ago

How do you mean gaps? and commonly tightening the knot works but it could also be the common mistake of grabbing a prior thread an using it which causes the dreaded gaps we all hate. i found that if i have an issue i have a very fine hair highlighting crochet hook to remove the messed up knot and redo it,

RE: Gaps in backwards knots? by Katarzyna 13 years ago

I have a suggestion. When I started making bracelets I had the same trouble. If you're tying a FK(forwards knot) you can try pulling the thread you tied the knot(let's just call it the"under" cord) over to the LEFT if you're tying a BK or BFK pull the string with the knot on it to the RIGHT. KEEP READING!
Make sure to pull the"Under" cord while you're tightening the knot. I don't know if this helps-I hope it does, and it works for me, so I thought I would help.

RE: Gaps in backwards knots? by Katarzyna 13 years ago

sorry - the thread you tied the knot on.


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