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What makes a pattern hard to tie? by Stefan (moderator) 14 years ago

What do you guys think makes a pattern hard to tie?

The difficulty seem to depend on this:
- Number of rows
- Number of strings
- Number of knot types used
- Number of unique colors
- Repeating of pattern

What more makes a pattern hard to tie?

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by ViscumAlbum 14 years ago

normal patterns:
1) Quantity of fbk & bfk knots (1-2-1-2 patterns are most difficult)
2) number of strings
3) number of rows (the longer - the harder to remember)

1) number of colours (but not always - for example A693, A874, A478 are really easy)
2) number of threads

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by kaylasaurusrex 14 years ago

Bahhhh. I need someone to make a pattern for meeeee. I have the picture on a grid already and everything. Here's the link to the picture, just email me back or something I s'pose .

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by Cathelijn 14 years ago

For normal patterns it is the number of rows and the number of strings. 'Cause when a pattern is really big, I get bored really quickly.

And for alphabet patterns it's the number of colors and the places of the colors. For example when there are 3 different colors used in one row, that is hard to make. And also the number of threads.

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by Satyr 14 years ago

I think most 1212 bracelets are easy to make, but they don't come out very well for me since the fb/bf-knots aren't as straight as the normal double half-hitch, i.e. the bracelet easily gets skewed.

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by kaylasaurusrex 14 years ago

Could either of you maybe generate a pattern for that design for me? I gave up. Hard.

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by Stefan (moderator) 14 years ago

@kaylasaurusrex: You might get better help if you ask the question in the right forum topic.

To all others: thanks for all your thoughts. I will use them in a function for determining the difficulty of an arbitrary pattern.

I'll come back if I run into any trouble :)

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by braendel 14 years ago

there is no pattern that is hard to tie :D

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by Stefan (moderator) 14 years ago

That is my view of it too :p
But I was thinking about the newbies :)

RE: What makes a pattern hard to tie? by Tokio 14 years ago

No pattern is HARD, but there's patterns that are hard on me mentally. Some frustrate me way more than others.

Normal patterns:
I HATE making long 1212 patterns. For some reason, they usually end in me throwing a fit and kicking everything in my way. They always get tangled, and they look messy to me. REALLY repetitive patterns also drive me up the wall, because its boring and mindless. Its not fun or challenging. :/

Alpha patterns:
For some reason, I've had less luck making multi-color bracelets with fewer than 4 colors total. The keychain I made with three colors turned out pretty weak looking, but my first multi-colored alpha turned out looking alright, and it had 4 colors total. I feel like I have more control over the uber-colored alphas than I do with the ones with only a touch of color xD


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