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Tips on designing your own pattern by DomF 9 years ago

Hi everyone,
I am mesmerized by the patterns that you guys are creating! How do you do it? I am spending a lot of time on the normal pattern maker, and understand the mechanics but no matter what, my pattern always fall apart. Can you share any tips with a newbie :) ?
From your idea on the grid, how do you know how to place the threads in the correct order at the beginning? Do you start with a base color and add the other ones or do you go row by row? Did you start experimenting with 2 colors and then added? Any tips would be much appreciated!!

RE: Tips on designing your own pattern by EdBlair 9 years ago

Take a look at this tutorial: (( How to... )) Design Bracelet Patterns
Basically try out some ideas out with pencil and paper in addition to trying to use the generator.

RE: Tips on designing your own pattern by kleinevos (moderator) 9 years ago

When you're more experienced, also in the knotting itself, you have seen lots of possible shapes/patterns and you can use these as a starting point . One thing that I find very important is mirroring: halfway a nicely mirrored pattern all of the strings go back where they came from, the second half mirrors the first half. That means the strings end up in the exact same order as in row 1.
Most of the patterns also are exactly the same left and right side.
Of course there are also one-way patterns and patterns with an image (dog, paw, etc) though :-)

RE: Tips on designing your own pattern by Siurell 9 years ago

I recommend that if you want to design patterns start with only two colors to get familiar with the system then you evolve. In the "GENERATE" tab will give you the pattern to try. Just one problem: the situation of the threads in the end most be the same as at the beginning. I started my designs in two colors with grid paper, pencil and ... patience.

RE: Tips on designing your own pattern by DomF 9 years ago

Thank you so much for your feedback! I especially have a difficult time "solving" the patterns (turning my grid idea into knots). I try to practice recreating the patterns already submitted without looking at the knots but always seems to get the thread order from start wrong :)
I think it's trial and error and practice... :)

RE: Tips on designing your own pattern by Siurell 9 years ago

You are wright: trial and error.
To translate your idea to the patron, especially the first, it is convenient to do simple things, 2 colors (patterns 1, 2, 10, 20) and try to change colors and directions of the threads, using the "GENERATE" you will look your idea evolution.
When knotting go row by row because there are patterns more difficult than others or you will have to undo knotts many times, understand that it's very difficult to hold back all the pattern.

RE: Tips on designing your own pattern by pooja333 9 years ago

Agreed with Siurell
well you can search out on Google about new bracelet patterns and also you might come up with new designs

RE: Tips on designing your own pattern by Siurell 9 years ago

Hi pooja333. That it's what I do and sometimes I tend to find some new ideas but at this website I can assure YOU DON'T END!!


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