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Pattern Generator question by pspair 14 years ago

Hey there,

I'm just getting the hang of the pattern generator, but have a couple of questions to be addressed if I may.

First off - There are some patterns that exist that I like, but would like to make some small modifications to (mostly color schemes). Is there a way to "load" an existing pattern into the pattern generator, then work with it from there?

Secondly - if I do that, and then want to keep it, is there a legitimate way to do that without loading it into the pattern library? After all, it really isn't my pattern, just a modification of someone else's.

Thanks in Advance.

RE: Pattern Generator question by Piri 14 years ago

Not sure on the re-loading of a pattern directly from the site, but this is how I do it:

I first load whatever pattern I want into Windows Picture & Fax Viewer (with winxp I just click the .gif and it automatically puts the picture into that programme, not sure if it's different for Win Vista/other OS systems but you can always use PSP7 if nothing else), then once the .gif is loaded I simply follow the pattern back into the generator. Once I'm done with that I can alter colour/arrows/etc at whim.

As for re-saving the pattern - yes you can! If you notice that when you click "save" in the 2.1 and it ports over to the normal generator you get assigned a link for the pattern - this is a private viewing of your pattern that is saved on the website. As long as you don't click the 'save and share pattern' button on the normal generator you're pattern won't get uploaded for public view. The alternate way of keeping track of your pattern is to save or bookmark the link at the top in your brower window and then you can pull the link back up when you need it. I personally like to put all my links into notepad so I can keep them organised and have a backup incase my XP goes wonky on me (as it often does :P).

Have fun! :)


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