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Curling bracelets!?!? by saywaacullen14 14 years ago

so heres the thing. i make lots of bracelets and wear lots too. but alot of them seem to roll up on my wrist over a few days. is there anyway to stop that from happening??

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by rojocharmander 14 years ago

That happens!? I hope sOmeone knows a solution because I have given a few away as gifts! :(

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by TweedyBird 14 years ago

You could probably put in under a heavy book, like a dictionnary... that might help for a little while.

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by JPIZZ 14 years ago

The only time I've ever had mine curl was when I experimented with single knots... I tried ironing them which seemed to work well.

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by volleyballchick 14 years ago

this often happens to me also but ironing sound like a good thought JPIZZ.

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by Kairedfern 14 years ago

Get a damp dishtowel, place it over the flat bracelet and go over it with an iron. Flip the bracelet, repeat, do this several times. My rag rugs always used to curl on themselves, now I always iron

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by Sab_Attack 14 years ago

ironing or heavy book will do, the bracelet i made my friend curled really bad, but he put it under a heavy text book and it was fine :D

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by PirateFan308 14 years ago

If you do double knots (I don't know if you're already doing this), that helps prevent rolling.

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by patty 14 years ago

i always make double knots and still curl. i was thinking about ironing it and putting that starch spray.

RE: Curling bracelets!?!? by leahael 14 years ago

Whenever i do the smaller, thinner patterns i always double the strings. For example: if the patttern calls for 1 of blue, green, yellow and white... i do two of each. This makes the knots thicker and more sturdy. I try to do this with the smaller patterns that dont take that much string. If this helped at all..... you are welcome :)


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