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Time???? by Weenie 14 years ago

How long do large bracelets take? Also, I have been working on a 18 string bracelet for some time now, should i be done? How long should strings be for a 22-24 string bracelet?

RE: Time???? by Lirasama 14 years ago

Err, the last thing that I finished was only 14 strings, and was to be worn as an anklet by my mother for mother's day. It took me about six hours, but then again I work while watching movies or TV so I'm probably a little bit slow. I've actually been curious to figure out, say, how much longer it takes to complete something every time the number of threads goes up by two.

RE: Time???? by fbmagic 14 years ago

Well I think it all really depends on how much time you spend on it. Like if you work really hard at it in one day and depending what level you are you will get done faster but if your really lazy and only work on it every few days it will definitely take longer. I am only like advanced and I worked on an alpha bracelet for like 5-10 hours and I got it done but pros could be done way faster then that. :D

RE: Time???? by Weenie 14 years ago

Once question how long does each string have to be for a(n): 18, 20, and a 22 string NOT alpha bracelet??? how long would each of the bracelets take?

RE: Time???? by Weenie 14 years ago

Thank you for answering!

RE: Time???? by Kaisui_Izumi 14 years ago

so far it takes me three days for a 14 strand bracelet. Been working on and of a bracelet thats 36 strings wide and its been already two months


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