
was donated
What do you do with it? by rayleighg 14 years ago

what do you do when you finish your bracelets? do you wear them, sell them, or keep them somewhere? and how often do you finish a bracelets?

RE: What do you do with it? by KibsBoyRO 14 years ago

well usually these bracelets are made for close frendz or ppl important to u:) thats why they r called friendship bracelets, u can also use them as decorations to idk cell phone, backpack a.s.o or u can sell them..ask ppl if they want bracelets with their names on it and sell them for not too expensiver:p

RE: What do you do with it? by Corpse_Bride 14 years ago

well, I'm making them cause that's great way to relax nerves X-) and is fun to watch them appear row after row... since I make a lot of them, wearing only few favorites, and the rest is given to friends.. although, it's recession time so maybe it wouldn't be bad idea to make some business with them =)))

RE: What do you do with it? by Veguiss 14 years ago

I sell them and I give them to my Best Friends

RE: What do you do with it? by rayleighg 14 years ago

how much do you sell them for because i dont know how much to charge

RE: What do you do with it? by phetcu 14 years ago

i use to ask like 2$ for an simple bracelet. i`m wearing the rest of them..

RE: What do you do with it? by KibsBoyRO 14 years ago

you can also ask them how much would they offer u and if too low u raise with like 0.5$ and if they think u ask for too much then u lower it until they buy it ...of course u put the limit of at least 1-1.5$ if u want...or do like phetcu said and all for 2$ its ur choice:) good luck and have a nice day!:)

RE: What do you do with it? by sweetypie 14 years ago

my goal is to have 30 friendship after that i can ask my parents if i can sell them right now i have 10 or 11 friendship bracelet another thing you can also wear like a matching lothes thats what i also do for example if i am wearing purple with black and i have a friendshi bracelet that it is purle and black bammmmm there it is machting clothes


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