
was donated
Alpha Generator rows by akacakey 11 years ago

Was there an update to the Alpha Generator or something that got rid of the option to add more rows to a pattern? I want to make a pattern that's more than 12 rows long but it won't let me add any more, it will only let me take them away. Is there something wrong with it or are you not allowed to make bracelet patterns bigger than that anymore? Thanks.

RE: Alpha Generator rows by Sammoning (moderator) 11 years ago

WHen I just openend the generator indeed the + button didn't work , but I reloaded it and then it functioned like its supposed to

RE: Alpha Generator rows by akacakey 11 years ago

I've reloaded it a million times and it's still just not there. Here is what I see:

I don't know why it's doing this. Maybe my browser is messing up or something. But I don't understand what would specifically target the Row+ button or why.

RE: Alpha Generator rows by Sammoning (moderator) 11 years ago

I'm sorry, I can only suggest updating your Flash programs, but I dont think that's the problem either :<

RE: Alpha Generator rows by Raelunbreakable 11 years ago

I just went to design a bracelet and I have the same issue. So it's not just you. :/

RE: Alpha Generator rows by akacakey 11 years ago

I downloaded Google Chrome and I don't have the problem on that browser so there must be something wrong with my firefox. e_e

RE: Alpha Generator rows by Sammoning (moderator) 11 years ago

I don't know, I use Firefox too. I noticed the same problem once and it went away on its own.


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