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Knots in Alpha Bracelet Strings by maximum 11 years ago

Okay, so you know when you are making and alpha bracelet, and the background string is really long how do you keep the background string from getting knotted? Because, I usually end up making it into a little ball......, and end up wasting a lot of string. It would really help if you guys could give me tips, please, thanks.

RE: Knots in Alpha Bracelet Strings by MelClaire 11 years ago

I leave mine in the skein that it comes in and just tie regularly, but I think most people wrap them around bobbins.

RE: Knots in Alpha Bracelet Strings by neese80 11 years ago

I do the same as MelClaire. But I've done the bobbin thing in the past too. :-)

RE: Knots in Alpha Bracelet Strings by maximum 11 years ago

thanks that really helps


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