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Belt by gogobogo7 14 years ago

hey so i really want to make a belt with a pattern. I know the thickness of the pattern necessary-but how much string would be needed??? and is this even possible?

RE: Belt by Alizandria 14 years ago

That would be a LOT of string!!! Considering that you use approximately 6-7 feet folded in half to make 6-7 inches...guessing offhand how many inches is your belt? I would start with that many FEET...so anywhere from 20 to 30 feet or more...

RE: Belt by Ally_G 14 years ago

Wow! that sounds like a good idea! you might wanna like save up 10.00 then go to Joannes and buy your string. they sell it for 37 cents!! buy like, 5 skeins of each color tho

RE: Belt by LenaB 14 years ago

Yaaa...That Would take lots n lots , n lots of strings & Timeee but it also depends on the pattern ur choosing ......DuuuuuDEeee...GOOD LUCK... :)

Creative Idea though *thumbs Up*


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