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Bug with patterns by Kestrel 12 years ago

I'm not long awake so I'm hoping I'm going to explain this right, because it's impossible to screenshot.

If I go to someone else's profile and click to see their "Normal Patterns" I don't. Instead it shows me my own "Normal Pattern" which is, y'know, cool but totally not what I'm looking for :P I don't know if this is a "known" issue or what but uh. Yeah!

RE: Bug with patterns by prpldrgnfr 12 years ago

I think there is. I went to your profile, looked at your pattern, then went to Foz's, clicked on her patterns, it started to load hers, then yours popped up. Hmmmmm.....

RE: Bug with patterns by Kestrel 12 years ago

Yup! It starts to load the others and then mine muscles its way in instead.

Ahahaha. Oh man. My pattern has decided it wants far more attention than it's getting! D:

RE: Bug with patterns by prpldrgnfr 12 years ago

It wants to take over the world!

RE: Bug with patterns by Foz 12 years ago

that happens sometimes :-) all you have to do is type the name into the "made by user" search box in the filter section on the left on the pattern page. if it's a complicated name, I recommend copy and paste ;-)

RE: Bug with patterns by Kestrel 12 years ago

You mean...my pattern doesn't want world dominance? I am so relieved. :P

RE: Bug with patterns by Stefan (moderator) 12 years ago

Thanks for bringing attention to this. I've already spotted the bug but as I'm rebuilding the whole site from scratch its not worth doing a quick fix right now... Sorry for that

Stefan, developer

RE: Bug with patterns by Kestrel 12 years ago

Tis fine, now that I know there's a way to 'fix' it I'm alright with it :)


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